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Pages : [117] - [136]
Received : February 23, 2019; Revised March 15, 2019
Communicated by : Professor Kazem Reza Kashyzadeh
Today, increasing the lifetime and improving the performance of structures through design and optimization, especially in marine structures, has become significantly important. Marine structures are divided into two groups of onshore and offshore structures. Marine structures are used in most cases inside the water and sea. These marine structures are divided into two categories: floating or sunken in water. One of the important parameters in the design of sunken structures is determining the critical load resulting from the buckling of walls, which can cause damage to structural. In this paper, three rectangular aluminum and steel compartments considering different conditions and sizes were modelled using design analytical methods. Then, different finite element analysis were done and the compartments have been optimized in order to reduce the weight of the structure. Finally, the buckling results of three types of rectangular reinforced compartments were calculated and were compared with each other. The results shown that the stress calculated using analytical method are in good agreement with the results of finite element analysis. Also weight of the compartment is reduced by utilizing the reinforced conductors while respecting the design principles and the minimum thickness are considered.
optimization, buckling, sunken reinforced compartments, marine structure, finite element simulation.