Research and Communications in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Editorial Policy and a Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement:
The Research and Communications in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences strictly follows a standard ethical policy to maintain the highest quality of research and publishing standard. The Research and Communications in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences strictly adhere to the standards of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) to support publication ethics. The Research and Communications in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences shall be responsible for keeping all correspondences secret and under no circumstance shall disclose anything that goes against the interest of authors, referees and editors of the journal.
All the parties such as the authors, reviewers and Editors in publication of the Research and Communications in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences are supposed to carefully follow the publication ethics described below to check and discourage publication malpractices of any kind.
Responsibilities of Editors:
Editors are responsible for deciding the suitability of a submitted paper. They may seek opinion of referees in ensuring the originality and correctness of intellectual content in the manuscript. They may follow our ‘Guidelines’ for Editors. The Editor may consult with other members in the editorial board of the journal concerned at necessity to arrive at the decision fast. Editors must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscripts until their publication. Editors should avoid considering manuscripts wherein they have conflict of interest of any nature. Editorial head office should hold the responsibility of keeping the records of manuscripts strictly confidential.
Responsibilities of Reviewers:
Reviewers are expected to assist Editors to arrive at the decision of publication of a submitted article. The role of reviewers is of great importance as both the authors and the Editors expect a lot from them. A review report containing constructive comments related to the presentation and improvement of intellectual content in the paper can substantially enrich the manuscript. Reviewers are supposed to maintain the confidentiality of the submitted papers under review. No reviewer is expected to disclose the article or any of its part to anyone except when necessary to the Editor concerned or the Editorial head office. Reviewers should refrain from considering manuscripts wherein they have conflict of interest of any nature. Information or ideas received through peer review must not be used for personal or anyone’s advantage.
Responsibilities of Authors:
Authors should submit only original articles for consideration of possible publication in the Research and Communications in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. They should be sure that the manuscript or any of its part is neither published in a journal nor is under consideration for publication in any other journal. The abstract should describe in brief the substance of the paper. Accurate account of work done along with the motivation and the significance of the findings be highlighted. Available material used in the paper should be properly referred to with appropriate citations within the manuscript. Literature and the publications that influenced the work must be cited and referred. However, irrelevant references to increase the list be avoided. Only those who have significant contribution providing concepts, formulation of the problem(s), execution, solution and interpretation be among the authors and others who have helped during discussion and preparation of the draft manuscript be acknowledged. Funding source, if any, which supported the research must be acknowledged. Before submitting an article, authors must be sure that the final outcome is not just an outcome from several published articles leading to a redundant work. Also, they should not indulge into manipulating images and data. Authors must ensure that the submitted work is essentially original. The submitted paper should not contain similar work already available in literature or in a recent publication. The final version of the paper should be checked by all the co-authors and submission should be made only when they unanimously agree and do not have conflict of interest. The corresponding author will be responsible for all ethical requirements of the submission. Furthermore, in the event an author discovers a significant inaccuracy or error(s) in the paper, the Editors and the publisher be approached at the earliest which may result into publication of a ‘Corrigendum’ or even the retraction/withdrawal of the paper.
Anything against above will fall within the domain of unethical behaviour which cannot be accepted.
Conflict of Interest:
A conflict of interest exists when judgment regarding the research is influenced by factors such as financial gain or personal relationships. All authors are required to disclose any financial, personal or other associations that may influence or be perceived to influence their work.
The Research and Communications in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences will never accept papers leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism. Every article is subject to crosscheck against plagiarism using iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software and peer-review.